Hi, I’m Jim Beveridge and this time last year my retirement clock was ticking loudly. It struck towards the end of March and a month later, at the invitation of the Free Church, I joined the Leadership Team as part-time Pastor, following a Call to Ministry some three years beforehand at an Anglican Conference.
My wife Jenny and I live in Hastings and our four sons, three married, are all active in their local churches. We have five grandchildren to enjoy.
Before my arrival a visiting speaker had challenged the Church (which embraces all believers in the area) to bring the Heart of God into Herstmonceux. That sounds like a huge task, but we have already seen several encouraging happenings.
The first was at my Induction, when the Church was full of those who are behind us in this New Beginning. The second was at Nigel’s Believers’ Baptism (more of Nigel next month) when the Church was again full for this public acknowledgement of his Spiritual new birth.
The third was the sad occasion of the funeral of a young man who was big on the local music scene, and the church was packed with mostly young people who overflowed into the Hall, and some even outside, listening through an open window. This young man was a Christian and together we marked his passage into Eternity.
These three events highlight some of the steps along the way to a life lived with Jesus as a 24/7 companion. For many, Church is for babies, funerals and the occasional wedding. Bringing the Heart of God into Herstmonceux requires a much greater involvement in village life.
The Bible tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. If you are rejoicing or weeping right now, or have any other matter you would like to talk about with me, I am at the Church in Chapel Row most Sunday mornings or you may contact me through the website.
I look forward to seeing you around, Jim.