Love Is In The Air – February Squeeze

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Love was in the air at the February SQUEEZE Breakfast Club. With St. Valentine’s Day only two weeks away, hearts were all over the place. Heart-shaped cinnamon biscuits were being decorated with
Squeezy tubes of sugar paste in a variety of colours, and packaged in heart-shaped envelopes woven from two colours of paper and tied with a ribbon. On the next table, more heart shapes in shades of pink and purple were put in place on Valentine cards for the unsuspecting.

A goodly number of young people were drawn to these activities; Canadian students from the Castle mingled with members of our Youth Club, and several not-so-youngs were busy making love tokens for their partners.

Laurence Keeley brought along the cardboard box in which he had spent the previous night, with a certificate to show that he and more than 100 others had spent a very cold night sleeping rough to draw attention to the plight of the homeless, and to raise money for Churches in Worthing who are active in this field.

David was in his usual form: this month’s gleanings included the man returning from a fancy-dress party to find a burglar in his home. “As soon as he saw me his eyes went wide with terror, and he dived out of a window to escape,” said the homeowner, who was dressed as Thor, the Norse God of Thunder! With horned helmet and spear presumably.

Our Pastor Jim Beveridge took the love theme to a higher level, the “most excellent way” of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. God’s Love Letters, he declared, lifting the Bible high, then reading appropriate Scriptures, mostly from chapter 13,; “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps not record of wrongs.” There is a lot more: read it for yourself.

Next SQUEEZE is on Sunday 1st March.
Breakfast is served from 10 am and now we have a battery of toasters! Everyone of all ages is very welcome.