Miner Routes to a Major Decision

From the news recently, 33 people took their normal route to work. The fact that their
workplace was 2,300 feet under the earth was significant; because the roof of the tunnel
fell in and their escape route was blocked.

It was believed that they were lost, but rescuers drilled a six-inch (175mm) hole to them,
and down that narrow route they provided food and water and inflatable beds, Sony
games and first aid kits. Now they need a route out to a safe destination.

So Pastor Carlos Parra had special individual Bibles made – with each man’s name
on and the parts to read marked to suit that person. The Bibles were delivered down the
pipe in a device called a Dove! (After the Flood the Dove brought the sign of new land –
new life). These men had experienced God’s provision in the darkness – two day’s food
had lasted for 17 days, right up to the time of their discovery.

As these entombed men turned to Psalm 40 , they read “I waited patiently for the Lord’s
help and he listened to me and heard my cry. He pulled me out of a dangerous pit… He set me safely on a rock and made me secure.
” (Good News Bible).

So how does each one of us find the right path, the right route? You may not be in
a “dangerous pit” but you do know that you are lost. What is the meaning of life? You
turn to Google and the box says Search, but where do you search? There are so many
blind alleys and dead-ends you have encountered in the past.

Maybe it is time to set your Satellite Navigation system to Scolfe’s Restaurant , Boreham
Street, on 23rd September for 7pm (and every Thursday following) and join in our
Alpha discussion group on aspects of the Christian faith.

Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, is the beginning of the A-road to understanding, to questioning, to finding the right route for your life. It is good to have a meal
with people like yourself. Come and ask. Jesus promises “Search and you will find.” It
is always satisfying to find the right route.

If you want any more information about the free Alpha course you can contact Sylvia on 07909 644762.