Spring may have been a little late this year, but for us at the Free Church it fell on Sunday 1st March, right on time for the Squeeze Breakfast Club. Daffodils and hyacinths in abundance, as many as you could make with crumpled tissue paper, and flocks of fluffy lambs, produced from tufts of cotton wool stuck onto cardboard cutouts.
Flowers and lambs together, mounted on a suitable background, made a collage for the theme for the day, “Spring into New Life.” Others did Tea-Bag Cutting, not the real soggy ones but paper squares about the same size, pre-printed in a variety of designs. Folded into kite-shapes, they could then be arranged in any chosen pattern on a baseboard.
Breakfast is available from 10am. As well as make-your-own toast, we now have pour-your-own tea; it gets more like home every time and allows the tea-ladies to join in the fun.
Our Pastor Jim Beveridge took up the theme with the statement of Jesus that He had come into the world in order to bring Life to the Full to those who put their trust in Him. Jim drew a parallel with the natural world where Spring is Full of New Life.
Squeeze Breakfast Club is held on the first Sunday in each month in the Village Hall from 10am. until 12.00. Everyone of any age is welcome, whole families and those who are alone, and there is no charge.