Have you noticed how small things can make a big difference? A small amount of mustard in a sandwich explodes in your mouth with heat and intensity. It is said that the small amount left on the plate made the makers rich – or, as the Americans say – a lot of dough.
Another form of dough is made into bread. Picture a large mound of flour and water, mixed well. But to make large loaves it needs a small thing called yeast. No yeast – no feast.
Jesus wanted his people, his disciples, to make a big difference. But he knew that what appeared small could affect his Kingdom plans. Apparently small defects could affect big savings plans.
Spent or bad yeast makes inedible bread. So in us, small or so-called little sins cause bad feelings, guilt and hamper Jesus’ plans for us.
The Jews at Passover or the Festival of Unleavened Bread, used to clean their houses of all yeast or bread products. Why? Because yeast represented sin and they wanted to be Passover clean. Do we need to carry out a Spring clean? Not of our houses but of ourselves, to throw out the “small things” that mess up our lives. Please do not worry as Jesus takes our bad yeast away
That could make a very big difference to your life, your plans and your worth. Now that’s an idea to feast on!! Pastor Jim Beveridge
February’s Squeeze included a demonstration of yeast at work, heart-shaped bread-making, hearts in salt dough for painting the following week, and Valentine Cards.
On a recent Sunday morning we commissioned one of our members to be a Street Pastor. Others from the Eastbourne team were there to support Elizabeth Ford at the end of her training with the police, in first aid, drink and drug awareness, and in familiarity with the local area. “That is where the Church should be,” she says. “Out on the street where the people are and where the need is.”
Eastbourne Street Pastors was set up in Spring 2010 and now goes out every Friday and Saturday evening until perhaps 3am or later. There are currently almost 40 active street pastors in the town who are supported by a team of prayer -pastors back at the base.
Next Squeeze Breakfast Club on Sunday 3rd March from 10.00am until noon in the Village Hall All ages are warmly welcomed, a simple breakfast is provided, and there is no charge