You are going away and you think you must hide something important in the house. When you return one or two weeks later you clearly remember what it was, but where, O where, did you hide it? “I’m sure it was in this room”, and your thorough search reveals nothing!
Things that are hidden often need to be revealed. Perhaps that was what Matthew in his gospel meant by saying “The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field” (Matthew 13 v 44). So how to explain this hidden treasure?
Loren Eiseley, in The Starfish Story, said this:
A couple were walking along the seashore and saw a figure moving like a dancer. As they came closer they saw the figure was an old man and he was not dancing. “May we ask what you are doing?” The old man paused, looked up and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean”. “Why?” the couple asked. The old man smiled “Because the sun is up and the tide is going out. If I do not throw them in they will die”. The couple said, “There are miles and miles of beach and starfish along every mile. You can’t possibly make a difference!” At this, the old man bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the ocean. He said, “It made a difference to that one!”
And Jesus is like that, He knows the treasures in Heaven He has for us. Each one of us is so special to Him, down to our unique set of fingerprints. He wants to find us and help us to that safe haven for eternity. So, if you are dry and beached, or the tidal events of life are flooding in, remember Jesus, the Beachcomber of Galilee, is looking for you. Why not give Him a shout, “Help” will do, it can be called prayer.
And yes, in case you ask, for me the important item was in the back bedroom, in the teapot, if only I could have remembered sooner!…
Pastor Jim Beveridge
As our theme for November had been ‘Hidden Treasure’ our craft activities were all related to treasure. Coins from around the world were available for coin rubbing onto paper. Shoe boxes were gift wrapped to receive ‘treasure’ to send, via Samaritan’s Purse charity, to children who will not have much this Christmas. Our children made treasure boxes in which to collect chocolate coins that were reward for treasure seeking and various tasks undertaken.
Join us next time on Sunday 1st December at the village hall for All Things Christmas from 10.00am. A warm welcome awaits one and all.