All posts by Matt

Pentecost Poem

The open house with closed and bolted doors.
The giver of Calm and Comfort pentecosting the hidden frightened remnant of the Good News.
The deserted disciples to be flambéed by the Holy Purity.
The tightened tongues of bemused men, brothers of Jesus, now touched by tongues of fire.
 The helper promised
 The helper helps
Those beyond all helping and all hoping
Despair to dreams of Acts to come
Beyond all comprehension
comprehensively to cover
a lost world.
The spirit and courage to flow to the lour corners
The good, better, best news of saving
The good, better, best Gift of Salvation from unforgiveness
The Golden Gospel to shine on a tarnished world
A shine to reflect the face,
the face of Good
The face of Good, better, best
That is Jesus.
I point, you follow. you see and know the Risen Jesus.
Pentecost Jesus,
Pentecost Father,
Pentecost post from the Holy Spirit.
His delivery done
his duty and joy completed
The power to the flattened,
The peace to the stormy
The purity to tainted man.
the cleansing Spirit to within and without.
Each man and woman
Willing to be washed
Willing to be filled
By the fragrance of Jesus.
Pentecost me lord.
Pentecost all. 

Jim Beveridge

Join us for Christmas!

2015 Christmas FlyerJoin us for Christmas, there’s carols by candlelight on Sunday the 20th of December at 4pm and a short service at 10:45 on Christmas day. We’ll be celebrating the New Year at Breakfast Club in the village hall on Sunday the 3rd of January. Come along and bring a friend!